Make it easy for your customers to pay you. Receiving Payment and automatically update the customer account and the associated Accounting transactions.
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Traditionally when you use Payment Gateway, your customer will pay you using the payment
gateway. Your money will be kept in the Payment Gateway company account for one day or more.
The money will be transferred to your bank account as one total summary amount. You still need to
do the payment reconciliation manually. This will take a lot of hours when you have hundreds of
payment transactions. Imagine that you have to do this every day. It will be a struggle every day.
This Venture Payment Gateway is special that the payment goes direct to your own bank. With
VenturePay Payment Gateway, your payment goes direct to your company bank account. You can
immediately give him the receipt. You can immediately check the inventory balance. You can
immediately update the order and payment database. You can also get the Automated Accounting
to do the debit and credit transactions immediately. It solves a lot of headache for you. This special
feature comes from VenturePay special collaboration with Bank Islam.
You can implement this online payment in your Customer Portal. Your customer can view your
Quotation. She can view the Invoice. She can click “PayNow” and pay the invoice online. She can
immediately view the Receipt.
"We focus on providing the best cloud-based solutions to help you grow your business. Your success is our success."
This module is a part of OfficeCentral ERP. You can choose to use this module only, or choose to use more modules or even the whole ERP system! You can mix and match the modules that you need. It's your choice.
This video provides overview of OfficeCentral ERP, and why you should choose OfficeCentral as your enterprise management solution at your company.
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