OfficeCentral | MSME Digital Grant MADANI OfficeCentral - Your Cloud-based ERP Solutions for your business.

OfficeCentral Cloud ERP: Where Your Business Matters Most!

Grow your business with OfficeCentral ERP

Grow your business with OfficeCentral ERP

OfficeCentral Cloud ERP boosts productivity and saves time through seamless module integrations. It enables remote collaboration, ensuring your work continues smoothly and streamlines data management for enhanced efficiency.

Increase Productivity

All Modules You Need Towards Success

OfficeCentral ERP Cloud, utilized by SMEs across diverse industries since 2011, offers a comprehensive suite of modular modules, including Accounting, Finance, Procurement, HR, Payroll, CRM, POS, and Inventory Management. Choose the modules you need for a tailored solution.

Standardise Procedures

Opportunity Waits For No One

Take use of an all-inclusive OfficeCentral Cloud ERP system, and with the government's special 50% matching grant that can provide your business up to RM 5,000 in support to use OfficeCentral Cloud ERP to boost your company's operations.

Take action now!

Take action now!

Boost Your Company to the IR 4.0 with OfficeCentral Cloud ERP! Our comprehensive business management software gives you the ability to effectively manage your business from any place, freeing up your time to invest in building its expansion and development

integrated ERP SAGA Solution

Why Should You Choose OfficeCentral Cloud ERP?

Rest assured that we have systematically handled all aspects of your operational demands, from the difficult process of managing your devoted personnel to the comprehensive control of your Network Agents. Our full set of services is designed to ensure that every aspect of your company's staff and network management is not only handled efficiently but also optimised for optimal efficiency.

Easy and Fast Implementation

You can subscribe and access OfficeCentral Cloud ERP instantly. No infrastructure to buy, setup or manage. Just login and get to work.

Modular Based Cloud ERP

You can choose to have full suite ERP, or only the modules you need. We have various modules to help you manage and grow your business including HRMS, Payroll, CRM, Accounting and more.


In OfficeCentral ERP, you can efficiently manage operations, thus gaining competitive advantages. There are many automations we provide within the system to help you save time and cost in running your operations. Fast and Efficient.


With centralized data, you can have real time data analysis through our state-of-the-art dashboards and reporting. This allows you to view your organization’s performance and develop forecast. Compare data from the past and project to the future.

Accounting MPERS and FRS

In OfficeCentral ERP for private sector, the MPERS and MFRS compliance is provided.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

Now you can manage your company online, from anywhere you are, anytime you need.

Eligibility for MSME Digital Grant MADANI

Are You Eligible For The Grant?

To be eligible for MSME Digital Grant MADANI, a company must fulfil these criteria:

  • MSMEs / Cooperatives must be at least 60% owned by Malaysian citizens.
  • Must be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)/Local Authorities (PBT) or Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission (SKM)
  • The MSMEs / Cooperatives must be in operation for at least six (6) months.
  • The SME / Cooperatives Must have an annual turnover of an average of at least RM50,000.
  • MSMEs/Cooperatives must NOT have received previous Digitalisation Matching Grants.
One Of The Best ERP Solution for SMEs

Unleash Your Business Performance Potential with OfficeCentral Today

OfficeCentral is an online cloud-based ERP solution suitable for SMEs and large organizations to help you manage your company's data more efficiently and effectively from wherever you are. OfficeCentral ERP lets you use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and streamline processes, automate many back office functions - including Human Resources, Payroll, Accounting, Inventory, Customer Relationship Management, Point of Sale and more!

  • Liberate Your Time From Mundane Tasks
  • Reduce Unwanted & Unnecessary Spending
  • Automates Repetitive & Everyday Tasks & Processes
  • Increases Your Staff Productivity
  • Elevate Your Employees & Customer Satisfaction
  • Promotes Leveling Up Your Staffs' Skills & Business Growth