OfficeCentral Assets Management - Integrated Assets Management module - Easily manage your assets! OfficeCentral - Your Cloud-based ERP Solutions for your business.


After sometime, you will have a lot of asset to manage. Traditionally the accountant treat asset as Fixed Asset register and you only worry about processing asset depreciation expenses. Managing asset becomes more crucial when new assets are purchased. You need to have a proper asset register. You need to manage where it is, who is holding it, when is the warranty expired and manage the transfer. You may also need to manage asset disposal or write off. Asset Module gives you all that.

Better Business

Managing asset is not purely accounting function. You will discover that managing your asset well will give you a better performance. You will get the overview of your asset, monitor the maintenance cist and compare with the age of the asset and the maintenance cost. You will know where the assets are and who is using them. Are they productive? Are they lying down gathering dust? Is it time to be replaced? Asset module will help you make better decision.

Perakaunan Automatik untuk Jualan Pengurusan Pelanggan (CRM)


Now you can get access to your company’s data and asset management from anywhere you are via any devices such as your PC at the office, your laptop at home and even your mobile phone when you are on the go. Faster decision making.

Go Paperless

Go green! With everything online, you’d use less paper and everything is within your reach through your laptop, computer and mobile phone.

Perakaunan Automatik untuk Jual Beli
Perakaunan Automatik untuk Kewangan

Easier Collaboration

By using asset management, it makes it easier for your team and also external consultants and contractors to collaborate together and save time from doing redundant works. Everyone will also be updated always to the latest information, wherever they are.


In OfficeCentral Accounting - Asset management, we aim to automate as many as possible manual processes including auto-generated reports and dashboards. This will help you to be able to generate invoices, receipts, expenses and statements from supplier at any time that you need.

Perakaunan Automatik untuk Gaji
Perakaunan Automatik untuk Kos Projek


Data is all shared so that everyone in charge will be able to know the asset information. Therefore, should any issue arise, this will help to solve any issues earlier rather than later. All data is shared enabling transparency in managing the asset and accounting.

Secured Infrastructure

Our cloud-based software puts owners and managers in complete control over business information. With the secure account and data backups, you get peace of mind over the safety of your data.


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